장준호 교수 ㆍ02-2260-1917 ㆍjchang@dongguk.edu ㆍ신공학관 6155 |
• Pennsylvania State University 공학박사 (Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Eng.)• 포항공과대학교 공학석사 (산업경영)
• 성균관대학교 공학사 (시스템경영)
• 미국 보건복지부(HHS) 질병통제관리센터(CDC) NIOSH 연구원(regular fellow) 역임
• Pennsylvania 주립대, 공학설계학과(SEDTAPP), 전임강사(lecturer) 역임
• 포항공과대학교 연구원 역임
학술 및 대외활동
• UI/UX• Human Factors
• Deep Learning
International Journals
Chang, J., Moon., S. K., Jung, K., Kim, W., Parkinson, M. B., Freivalds, A., Simpson, T. W., and Baik, S. P. (2018). Glasses-type wearable computer display: Usability considerations examined with a 3D glasses case study. Ergonomics, 61(5), 670-681.
Chang, J. and Jung, K. (2017). Development of a press and drag method for hyperlink selection on smartphones. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 269-276.
Chang, J., Freivalds, A., Sharkey, N. A., Kong, Y-K., Kim, H. M., Sung, K., Kim, D-M, and Jung, K. (2017). Investigation of index finger triggering force using a cadaver experiment: effects of trigger grip span, contact location, and internal tendon force. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 183-190.
Chang, J., Choi, B., Tjolleng, A., and Jung, K. (2017). Effects of button position on a soft keyboard: muscle activity, touch time, and discomfort in two-thumb text entry. Applied Ergonomics, 60, 282-292.
Chang, J., Jung, K., Lee, W., and You, H. (2017). Development of a usability evaluation method using natural product-use motion. Applied Ergonomics, 60, 171-182.
Kong, Y-K., Freivalds, A., Kim, D-M., and Chang, J.* (corresponding) (2017). Investigation of methods for estimating hand bone dimensions using x-ray hand anthropometric data. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 23(2), 214-224.
Chang, J., Jung, K., Kim, W., Moon., S. K., Freivalds, A., Simpson, T. W., and Baik, S. P. (2014). Effects of weight balance on a 3D TV shutter type glasses: Subjective discomfort and physical contact load on the nose. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44(6), 801-809.
Korean Journals
Chang, J. and Jung, K. (2017). Effects of traffic signals with a countdown indicator: Driver’s reaction time and subjective satisfaction in driving simulation. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 36(5), 459-466.
Jung, K, Lee, M., Chang, J., and You, H. (2011). Evaluation of information presentation methods for a wearable Braille display. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 30(6), 739-747.
Park, J., Jung, K., Chang, J., Kwon, J., and You, H. (2010). Evaluation of predicted driving postures in RAMSIS digital human model simulation. IE Interface, 23(2), 100-107.
Cho, J., Jeong, J., Yeon, S., Chang, J., You, H., and Kim, H. (2008). Cost-effectiveness analysis for clothing design improvement using ergonomic methods: Evaluation of flame-proof clothing and design optimization. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 27(4), 45-58.
Lee, W., Jung, K., Chang, J., Chang, J., You, H., Chang, S. Y., Jung, M., Han, S. H., and Jun, C. (2008). The needs of students and practitioners on the education curriculum of innovative product development. Journal of Korean Engineering Education Research, 11(4), 11-18.
Jung, K., Chang, J., Lee, W., Chang, J., You, H., Chang, S. Y., and Jun, C. (2008). A strategic approach to construction of a course module for innovative product design and development. Journal of Korean Engineering Education Research, 11(3), 5-11.
Cho, J., Jeong, J., Yeon, S., Chang, J., You, H., and Kim, H. (2007). Development and application of an ergonomic evaluation system for functional clothing: Evaluation of flame-proof clothing and identification of design problems. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 26(2), 1-13.
Kim, H., Yeon, S., Jeong, J., Lee, M., Chang, J., and You, H. (2006). Ergonomic evaluation of functional working-clothes: Focused on flame-proof clothing. Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 8(5), 597-603.